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Archive for March, 2008

Homemade Salad Dressings

Many people, when they first go vegetarian, tend to rely too heavily on salads. Over time, as they experiment more with vegetarian cooking and ethnic foods, they branch out. Once they’ve branched out, some are by then so loathing of salad that they never return it to their diet. Others still, like some that I’ve […]

Simple Apple-Raisin Crisp

I LOVE APPLE CRISP! And I have always been mystified by it. By the seeming complexity of it and by the way that no two ever seem to taste the same. Some people like cranberries in it, some just apples. Some people even put cocoa powder on top. As a kid, I always thought of […]

Meat-Free Sloppy Joes

Mmmmmm, yum. I just adore sloppy joes. They were not a regular staple in my life before I became a vegetarian but they always remained a special treat, a once-in-a-while thing that occurred mostly during summer and autumn. But I have to admit that I am so excited about all the cooking and exploration that […]