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Archive for the 'gift ideas' Category

“How many a man has dated a new era in his life from the reading of a book.” ~ Henry David Thoreau, Walden There are multitudes of books out there on vegetarianism and veganism. Some are aimed at converting you to vegetarianism and some are aimed at educating those who have already chosen vegetarianism. Some […]

Yarn Fun for Autumn

“Delicious autumn! My very soul is wedded to it, and if I were a bird I would fly about the earth seeking the successive autumns.” ~George Eliot i.e. Mary Anne Evans, 19th-century British Novelist Here in England the autumn is rolling in quite quickly. By far my absolute favorite season, it has that crisp, heady […]

Making vs. Buying Gifts

Today is THAT day. Black Friday, the most evil, spendthrift, Chinese-import shopping day of the year. Some of those “Green” types of people started a little thing a few years ago called “Buy Nothing Day.” in the spirit of which I thought I would post on my plans for making more gifts this year than […]