Quick Observations Since Going Vegetarian
April 17th, 2008 by Mama
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“Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.”
~Albert Einstein
1. Dairy, though tasty, makes me instantaneously sleepy and usually results in 10-24 hours of extreme stuffiness and excess mucous. Yuck!
2. Fish is a good substitute for beef/chicken/pork cravings but if it’s fried fish then the trade off in fat and bad breath is not worth it.
3. Prepared meat substitutes are very helpful in the beginning for creating “transition” recipes, but as you become more confident in your vegetarianism, they begin to feel very heavy. I use them only occasionally now.
4. Organic veggies do not last as long as those waxy store-bought ones. They are best used quickly and that’s okay, since they taste best when very fresh anyway. :)
5. Organic veggies need dirt washed off them, supermarket veggies need CHEMICALS washed off them. ;)
6. Veggies = energy. Meat = lethargy.
7. No one likes a preacher. Keep your ethical reasons to your own creature. :P
8. Cookbooks are 50% useless, Experimenting is 100% helpful.
9. Dogs and Cats like meat. End of story.
10. Chopsticks are the best tool for mindful eating. And they aren’t THAT hard to use.
11. Not every country has embraced vegetarianism and veggie friendly products to the same degree. The USA has great meat substitutes, the UK has better veggie burgers and France, well…they’re French.
12. Being vegetarian is not difficult at all. And since I am the Queen of Picky Eaters, that IS saying something.
13. Eating with a veggie friend is nice and makes you feel like less of an outcast. It’s the conversation that counts though, so just be laid back, no matter what kind of eater you’re sharing your meal with, and you’ll enjoy yourself. :)