Pasta, Made of Corn?
November 10th, 2007 by Mama
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So today was my first try of corn pasta. The last attempt at non-wheat pasta was disastrous and, well, disgusting.
That was back in May and I will not be buying that Bionaturae wheat-free variety again. It was a mixed flour pasta with soy, rice and potato and the result was a rather slimy, not-very-pasta-like pile of stuff.
Tonight we had corn pasta by DeBoles along with regular Prego spaghetti sauce and Nate’s Zesty Italian meatless meatballs.
The corn pasta was wonderful! It was a yellowy color but tasted exactly like regular pasta and, though it took a bit longer to boil and made the water an interesting cloudy white, it came out the exact same texture that one would expect of wheat-based pasta.
Quite groovy I say!
Having been a vegetarian for a only a short time now, I was also pleasantly surprised at the quality of the meatballs. Very meaty in flavor and relatively natural in ingredients.
I will be attempting a veggie meatloaf soon and hope that it comes out half as good as those frozen meatless meatballs that we picked up in the Stop-n-Shop natural foods section.