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“”The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”” ~ Thomas Edison, 19th-Century American Inventor When I was in college and planning my first trip abroad I had my heart set on Northern Ireland. Maybe it was because my ancestors were […]

Meat-Free Sloppy Joes

Mmmmmm, yum. I just adore sloppy joes. They were not a regular staple in my life before I became a vegetarian but they always remained a special treat, a once-in-a-while thing that occurred mostly during summer and autumn. But I have to admit that I am so excited about all the cooking and exploration that […]

Tasty Thai Butternut Soup

Seems like years, actually over a decade, since I first tried Thai food and swore up hill and down dale that I would learn to cook it. There are several cookbooks on my shelf as a testament to my good intentions about learning to make Thai food at home. Yet nothing ever came of it. […]